Legend of the Five Rings
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Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game - Core Set Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game is a player-influenced LCG® that sees two players take on the role of one of the seven Great Clans of Rokugan, vying for military and political control of the land while maintaining Rokugan society’s strict code of honor. Each player commands their forces with two separate decks: A Dynasty Deck fills their p…
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Across the Burning Sands Legend of the Five Rings Fiction Shinjo Shono is heir to the Khan of Khans, destined to one day lead the Unicorn Clan. But the young warrior is torn with anguish and doubt, haunted by the memory of facing his former betrothed on the field of battle—and leaving her to die. His duty feels like a chain, and he longs for freedom. He soon learns that longing has a cost. Shono t…
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The Eternal Knot Legend of the Five Rings Fiction The monks of the Togashi Order are known for their wisdom, their strength, their mystery, and the superhuman powers they gain from their unique tattoos. For Togashi Kazue, completing her training is only the beginning— discovering the true power of her enigmatic tattoo may be the true test. Accompanied by the experienced monk Togashi Mitsu, Kazue e…
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The Sword and the Spirits Legend of the Five Rings Fiction Rokugan. A land where honor is stronger than steel. Here, the samurai of the seven Great Clans serve the Emperor as warriors, courtiers, priests, and monks. They live— and die—by the tenets of Bushidō. Shiba Tsukune wasn’t supposed to become the Champion of the Phoenix Clan, but their ancient sword chose her. Trained as a samurai warrior,…
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Trail of Shadows Legend of the Five Rings Fiction Deep shadows gather in the Shinomen forest. Though this tangled woodland lies north of the Great Carpenter Wall and the traditional domain of the Crab Clan, rumors have led a few Crab samurai to mount a dangerous expedition into the depths of the forest, searching for an ancient artifact forged by Hida Osano-wo himself… In Trail of Shadows, a new L…
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Whispers of Shadow and Steel Legend of the Five Rings Fiction Bayushi Yojiro is known as the “only honest Scorpion” in the samurai clan infamous for its liars, schemers, and secrets. As an Emerald Magistrate, his duty is to uphold the Emperor’s laws and ensure justice is done. As a Scorpion, his duty is to loyally serve the interests of his clan—even if that means sacrificing his own honor. As bot…
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Defenders of Rokugan Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game > Clan Packs For centuries, the Crab Clan have manned the Kaiu Wall with a ruthless efficiency. They stand against the legion of Shadowlands hordes with fierce determination and will do whatever it takes to make sure the Emerald Empire does not fall. These are the warriors who keep the horrors of Fu Leng at bay, these are the defenders o…
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Masters of the Court Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game > Clan Packs Fantasy Flight Games is proud to present Masters of the Court, a Crane Clan Pack for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game! Masters of the Court contains 78 new cards (three copies of twenty-five different cards and one copy each of three different cards), many of which provide new tools to the Crane Clan! Masters of the C…
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Seekers of Wisdom Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game > Clan Packs Many know of the Dragon Clan, but few can say they understand it. A clan of individualists in an Empire of tradition, Dragon samurai are notorious for remaining aloof in their mountaintop monasteries and remote keeps where they pursue self-improvement. Yet despite their often-bizarre customs, the wisdom of the ise zumi, the pro…
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The Emperor's Legion Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game > Clan Packs On the blood-stained battlefields of Rokugan, one clan stands head and shoulder above the rest. To face the Lion Clan in battle is an unenviable task for any clan. From their Matsu warriors to Akodo tacticians to the Kitsu who utilize the past itself to overwhelm their foes in combat. To face the Lion Clan in combat is an un…
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Disciples of the Void Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game > Clan Packs Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the Disciples of the Void, a Phoenix Clan Pack for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game! Somewhere between a Dynasty Pack and the Deluxe Expansions found in our other Living Card Games™, this clan pack contains 78 new cards (three copies each of twenty-five different cards and on…
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Underhand of the Emperor Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game > Clan Packs Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce Underhand of the Emperor, a Scorpion Clan Pack for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game! Underhand of the Emperor contains 78 new cards (three copies of 25 different cards and 1 copy of each of 3 different cards .) Underhand of the Empire expands on classic themes of the Scorp…