Looney Labs
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Across America Fluxx Road trip! The ever-changing card game is hitting the road and seeing the sites on a drive across the United States of America. From famous landmarks to national parks, it’s got everything from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Statue of Liberty, including the Grand Canyon, Hollywood, Cape Canaveral, Devil’s Tower, the monuments of DC, and, of course, Amusement Parks. Perfect for…
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Anatomy Fluxx Gamer Tested, Doctor Approved. Anatomy Fluxx is the newest addition to our education line and takes you deep into the human body. From Bones to Blood Vessels, Anatomy Fluxx is packed with all the body bits that keep you ticking. But be on the lookout for Virus, Mutation, and Bacteria Creepers! Plus, two Learning Rules will get your Brain in gear with anatomical trivia. Anatomy Fluxx…
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AQUARIUS A Family Card Game From The Makers of Fluxx Aquarius, the Looney Labs game of elemental connections, is one of our longest-running titles! Kids love the colorful design, fast play, and familiar matching strategy. Adults love the game's competitive edge. It's the perfect family card game. Players take turns playing element cards, trying to get seven connected of their secret goal element.…
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Around the World Fluxx Travel the World! The ever-changing card game is setting its sites on famous landmarks around the globe. Discover wonders across all 7 continents - it’s got everything from Stonehenge to the Taj Mahal, including the Galápagos Islands, Panama Canal, Angkor Wat and, of course, the Statue of Liberty. Perfect for vacationers or armchair travelers, Around the World Fluxx offers a…
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Astronomy Fluxx The ever-changing card game of space exploration! If you've ever dreamt of being an astronaut, Astronomy Fluxx is for you! This version of Fluxx takes you to outer space, but this time it’s not sci-fi. Featuring stunning NASA photographs of planets and other astronomical objects, you'll have a blast while learning about space and humankind's space flight history in this latest inst…
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Camping Fluxx The great outdoors just got wilder! Let’s go camping! Grab the Tent, Backpack, Sleeping Bag, and various provisions, and let’s head to the Woods. Or maybe the Mountains! We can build a Campfire and make S’mores! Hopefully it won’t Rain, and there won’t be any Mosquitoes. Whether you bring this deck with you when you go camping or just imagine an outdoor adventure while you play at ho…
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Chemistry Fluxx The Elemental Card Game With Ever-Changing Rules! Chemistry Fluxx is the elemental card game where the rules are always changing. Use atoms and laboratory gear to match the current Goal and win! Chemistry Fluxx is the perfect compound of chance and skill, where you'll not only be playing with elements and molecules, but you'll also be learning about them! Chemistry Fluxx is so much…
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CHRONONAUTS The Card Game of Time Travel What would YOU do with a Time Machine? Would you stop the sinking of the Titanic? Prevent the assassination of JFK? Kill Hitler before WWII? These are just a few of the possibilities in Chrononauts, the award-winning card game of time travel. To win, you must change history at key points called Linchpins, so that history transforms into the Alternate Realit…
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CHRONONAUTS: LOST IDENTITIES expansion This Chrononauts expansion pack contains 13 new Identity cards, plus a new Mission, to mix into your game. Now you've got to watch out for Crazy Joe, who wins with 13 paradoxes, and remember there's someone besides the Cockroach who wants WWIII! These 55-word character sketches for the new ID cards were chosen from nearly 100 fascinating fan-written entries s…
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CHRONONAUTS: THE GORE YEARS expansion The early years of the 21st century have been known as the Bush years, but to some time travelers, they were actually called the Gore years... this 11-card expansion pack brings your Chrononauts timeline up to 2008! Find out what might have happened if the 2000 election had gone a different way! Prevent the 9/11 attacks! The Gore Years has five new timeline ca…
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Cthulhu Fluxx The card game that will drive you insane! Follow the wild-eyed Poet, the obsessed Artist, and the expeditions of the Professor, as they investigate Eldritch Secrets no mortal was meant to discover. Someone has stolen the Necronomicon from the library at Miskatonic University, and a Farm in the hills is undergoing a horrifying Metamorphosis. Meanwhile, unspeakable abominations stir in…
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Doctor Who Fluxx The Card Game of Ever-Changing Doctors! Doctor Who Fluxx takes Fluxx through Time And Relative Dimension In Space. Join with various regenerations of the Doctor, some companions, Gallifreyan tech, and K-9 (but beware of Cybermen, Daleks, Weeping Angels, and the Master) and play the most ever-changingest, timey-wimey version of Fluxx ever created. Doctor Who Fluxx: you'll play it t…