Other Games (A-Z)
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5-2-1-1 Players looking for fast playing, addictively fun, and clever card game don’t need to look any further, 5-2-1-1 has you covered! Within minutes, you’ll know the rules and be playing. Keep an eye on your opponents, will they try to bust your color or take their chance by bringing the weakest cards to a specific count? Game info: Ages: 8+ Players: 2-5 Time: 20 mins .
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5-2-1-1 Azul Special Edition A perfect mash-up! When two board games love each other… Well, they have a baby game! 5-2-1-1 and Azul integrate into a single amazing game. Borrowing the art aesthetics of Azul, players will find the same great game of 5-2-1-1 in the box. Players looking for fast playing, addictively fun, and clever card game don’t need to look any further, 5-2-1-1 has you covered! Wi…
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AFTER THE EMPIRE Build your castle, prepare your troops and survive the siege in this competitive worker-placement and tower-defence game! Game info: Ages: 14+ Players: 2-4 Time: 90 mins
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In Agatha Christie's Death on the Cards you must use your own detective skills to uncover the murderer - however the path of justice won’t be that simple, for you all have deep dark secrets you want to keep hidden all the while you’re trying to shine the light of truth onto this dastardly deed! Game Info: Ages: 10+ Players: 2-6 Time: 20-40 mins
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Left Justified Studio > ... BROKEN & BEAUTIFUL Perfection in Imperfection Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with golden lacquer. Game Info: Ages: 12+ Players: 2-4 Time: 15 mins
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CHEATING MOTH Where Cheats Prosper Is cheating wrong? Not in the cheeky card game - In fact, you have to cheat to win! The winner is the first one to discard all of their cards. Special ability cards can come into action when played. But the key to winning is to make cards disappear by cheating! You can drop them on the floor, hide them up your sleev or wherever you can but be careful as you'll be…
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Drei Magier > ... COCKROACH POKER Can you keep a poker face and bluff your way to victory? In Cockroach Poker, your job isn't to win, just not to lose! If you're caught bluffing, or you call someone's bluff incorrectly, you keep the creepy crittter. Stink bugs, toads, and rats are just some of the creatures in this bug-rilliant game. As soon as a player has 4 of a kind, or when a player has no car…
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Drei Magier > ... COCKROACH POKER Can you keep a poker face and bluff your way to victory? In Cockroach Poker, your job isn't to win, just not to lose! If you're caught bluffing, or you call someone's bluff incorrectly, you keep the creepy crittter. Stink bugs, toads, and rats are just some of the creatures in this bug-rilliant game. As soon as a player has 4 of a kind, or when a player has no car…